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writing can be fun, if you are writing for a purpose and to some specific audience, be it for your friend, family or imaginary friend. To me, it is romantic to write and it is something that is intimate to the author and reader (s).

So to begin writing a book, you will truly need the following major factors to experience a wonderful and fruitful journey as an author;

The Holy Spirit.

To write a successful book, you will need to be inspired, and you need inspiration that cannot disappoint or fail. That is where the Holy Spirit comes in. To me, the best source of inspiration is God, who is perfect in everything. His Spirit helps in revealing His free gifts to you everyday. He especially helps you in your weaknesses - Romans 8:26. If you are experiencing shortages of ideas on where and how to start, please, take the opportunity to ask the Holy Spirit and He will richly grant you inspirations and stories that eyes have not read or ears heard.

The Bible

Another best source of inspiration to me is the Bible. Many Hollywood stories, especially Marvel and DC comics all got their inspirations from the stories of David, Solomon, Samson and other Heroes of the bible, even the names and places are gotten from it. Star wars saga inspiration is also from the bible. Likewise, many successful authors around the world were inspired by the Holy Bible, it is the greatest, believe that. I also got my inspiration from the bible, if you read my book, 'Book of the First Legend: the Spirit Key' you would understand better.

Make Use of Search Engines

Internet Search Engines like google, helped me in starting my book, blogs and literary journey and I know it can help you too. Always search all topics foreign to you, don't be afraid and be bold. Read articles about writing and publishing and follow renowned authors to succeed.

Lastly, hear the word of God concerning you today, from the book of Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." In this case, 'in whatever you do.'

I will love to hear from you, if you have any questions or comment write it down in the comment box below. Please, like and share in order to reach more upcoming Authors.


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